Modeling Hair Powder Moon Dust from Dr. Sorbie.Ideal for adding volume to any hair type, regardless of style or texture. Moon Dust provides thickness, volume, and texturing of hair without weighing it down, and it’s free of color and special smell.Among similar products for adding volume to hair, such as Evo Haze, The Aveda, Pure […]

Modeling Hair Powder Moon Dust from Dr. Sorbie.
Ideal for adding volume to any hair type, regardless of style or texture. Moon Dust provides thickness, volume, and texturing of hair without weighing it down, and it’s free of color and special smell.
Among similar products for adding volume to hair, such as Evo Haze, The Aveda, Pure Abundance, Sexy Hair, Osis, Schwarzkopf, and Moon Dust stand out. While these products are often offered in small quantities and may not be affordable, some even tend to be sticky and weigh down the hair. Let’s explore the benefits of Dr. Sorbie’s Moon Dust powder from the SIX-SENSE product line.

Properties of Moon Dust Hair Powder:

  • This lightweight modeling powder based on quartz gives hair volume, refreshes it between shampoos, and makes it more voluminous and easy to style.
  • Thanks to its innovative formula, Moon Dust leaves no residue; it dissolves upon application to hair or palms and can be easily spread with a finger.
  • Suitable for any hair type: dry, oily, long, short, straight, curly, thin, or thick. It replaces the need for excessive combing and hairspray, maintaining volume for a long time.
  • Moon Dust allows to create hairstyles with charming curls or emphasizing individual strands, giving a natural styling effect without sticking hair together or restricting movement.
  • It’s also useful when refreshing a hairstyle after removing a headwear, absorbing excess oil and preventing hair from looking limp and greasy.
  • Moon Dust enables hair to rise, easily separate into strands, and take the desired shape, creating a matte effect perfect for hairstyles with a slightly casual look.
  • For short haircuts on both women and men, Moon Dust is ideal, accentuating the style effortlessly.
  • Throughout the day, hairstyles can be easily corrected using fingers, eliminating the need for additional styling products.

Recommendations for Using Moon Dust:

  •  Apply using fingers or directly from the bottle, after basic styling. For lasting curls, create them first with curlers, a blow dryer, or a curling iron, then apply the powder.
  • Use a small amount of powder for one-time styling. Applying too little may not provide the results, while too much can ruin the look.
  • Always apply to dry hair, focusing on areas where volume is needed. Avoid overuse as it can make hair difficult to comb and look matte.
  • Moon Dust from Dr. Sorbie doesn’t stick hair together, allows for natural hair movement, and doesn’t weigh down your hair.
  • To maintain freshness, shape, and volume, hair can be tousled throughout the day. The powder lasts a long time and is travel-friendly.

Caution: If you are prone to allergies, consider using other styling products, as Moon Dust is a very light and volatile powder.

Additional Tips:

  • Do your hair before dressing up to avoid powder falling on your clothes, or use an apron or cape to cover your shoulders.
  • After using Moon Dust, there’s no need for hairspray. To maintain shine, apply the powder carefully to the root zone and use SHINE-IT shine spray.
  • For a matte and textured effect, apply a small amount along the entire length of the hair and whisk with your hands.
  • Avoid using the powder several times in a row without washing your hair.
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